10 July 2016


last night i held a fragment of our golden halcyon days

it was brilliant colors that don't exist
insubstantial and translucent
mirroring the gossamer lens of my heart

i held it to my eye & looked at nostalgia
i held it to my ear & heard the echo of dreams and fantasies
i held it to my chest & felt it beat a fierce song
mirroring the rhythm of my heart

i wanted to rip my hair and scream into my pillow
i wanted to laugh and dance in fields of sunflowers
i wanted to cry for joy and for sorrow

and in those moments when time seemed to freeze –
when the hourglass ceased to empty,
when the clock came to a standstill –
all the memories came flooding back
and my heart started to ache again

i clenched the shard tightly
and vowed never to let it go
though the sharp edges cut my fingertips

and in the midst of my agony


  1. This...was so stunning.
    I'll be coming back for more.


  2. Incredible piece. This line grabs my heart especially: i wanted to rip my hair and scream into my pillow, i wanted to laugh and dance in fields of sunflowers, i wanted to cry for joy and for sorrow.
    And I'll always love that photo. You know how I yearn for wide open spaces. ;)

    Sophia xx
    A Lantern In Her Hand
    The Inkpot Girl

  3. I've been feeling this sense of nostalgia as well lately, and oh how you portrayed it, Grace. <3

    xoxo Morning

  4. This is so immensely lovely. You capture emotions so well.

  5. Perfectly dreamy and nostalgic, Grace.
    Your blog is the epidemy of lovely; you definitely have yourself a new follower. <3

  6. This is truly beautiful. Absolutely love it! Your blog is lovely by the way and certainly graceful :)

    x Nicole ᵔᴥᵔ

  7. Beautifully written, Grace! Wow. Excellent imagery and descriptive words. :) I love your third paragraph/stanza - where you describe holding the fragment. Very, very nice work!

    Thanks so much for dropping by my blog earlier, by the way!

    Edge of Night

    1. Wow, thank you so much for such a lovely comment, Eve! It means a lot to have the support of bloggers like you. <3

  8. oh my word, I can't breathe when I read your writing. This is truly awesome, there are no words. LOVE it!!!

    xx Lorraine // Laurel Crowned

    1. Thank you, Lorraine! I appreciate your sweet comment! <3
